Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Meet the McGovern's ...

Kory, 26 year old father
Mickayla, 23 year old mother
Maddison, 4 year old Big Sister
Emma, 6 month old MIRACLE......

Nothing fancy, .. :) We are just us. Kory is the anchor to our family. He is 26 years young and is a role model for every father that knows him. He is an amazing man who loves his girls with every beat of his heart. He does a fantastic job stepping up to every thing that needs done while I'm in the hospital it Emma and he trades places when he is not working so that I can go home and give Maddie 'Mommy Time.'

Mickayla (myself),. . The mother of these two beautiful red heads and the we to this amazing husband and father. Say what you will, I am no angel,.. I am human! I'm just like you sitting on the other side of this computer screen. I may seem strong and wise, but we all have our days. I have my days where I would proudly strut myself around in a "SuperMom" cape. However, as you can only imagine, I have days when I ask God.... "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING... REALLY?!" Everything Kory and I do, we do it for our girls. We are an amazing team and Maddie helps out so much. I truly do not think we could get through the day without Maddie helping. Being a big sister is a big job.. being a Big Sister to a Little Sister with Special Needs is a HUGE job. Maddie wears it with pride. She tells every one that God gave Emma to her because she needed a very special little girl to be her big sister. And she is sooo right..

 Last but definitely not least, we have Emma.. She is the reason we all get out of bed in the morning. She is filled with sooooooooooooooooooooo much strength and encouragement. It amazes me that one little girl can inspire 12,000+ people in 6 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emma can and she has. Her story is booming, Children's Miracle Network has invited her to a radio-a-thon hosted at St Johns Hospital in November and St John's Magazine is doing an article on her story and how she truly is a St John's Miracle!
 Feel free to contact us with any questions. Our TEAM EMMA email is: elm021412@gmail.com we would love to hear how our daughter has inspired you and your family. I'm just an email away. :) Have a blessed day and be sure to praise God for your healthy children and all the amazing blessings he has provided you with, without question.

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