For those who have been anxiously awaiting an update... here it is!
Review of the last several months (since I haven't blogged since May) for our family..
Maddie is officially a five year old and is in Kindergarten, still adjusting to that.. She says Kindergarten is a lot of hard work but she loves going to school all day long.
Daddy is getting back into more of a routine, he works every second he gets a chance too. We are so blessed to have such an amazing supporter. I am hoping this winter he will get back into a passion of his, duck hunting. He does so much and deserves a break every now and then,.. it's just getting him to take one that is a challenge.

Mommy (me) is...well--- much busier than before. Which is why I haven't blogged/updated as much. I have jumped back into college and am not giving up on my dream of being a social worker. For now I am settling for an associate's degree in sociology and psychology for now. As if that was not enough, I took on the role of the volunteer Volleyball coach at BCA. I have fallen in love with coaching. I have always had a passion for sports and it is such a blessing to have to opportunity to share that passion with children. I love watching them grow and become passionate and confident in something other than video games, their iPad, the internet, etc.
Miss Tonie is as awesome as ever and we love her more and more every day.. it's almost weird when she isn't here, like something is missing :) I don't think she will really every understand how much she means to us, but I know it's impossible for us to wrap our heads around the thought of her not being a part of our every day lives. I thank God every day for bringing her into our lives. She most definitely have Emma BEYOND spoiled! ! When Tonie walks in the front door she has approximately ten seconds (if that) and Emma is squealing because she wants Tonie to hold her. She is absolutely spoiled rotten....and that is quite alright by us! :)
Last but of course not least.......
Emma is weighing in at 20 lbs 5 oz. She is 18 months old and she is 29.5 inches long!!!
Most importantly Emma is THRIVING! :)
While doing so Emma is enjoying life to the best of our abilities. She never has a second of the day that someone isn't there to snuggle her if she wants snuggled. Which can be exhausting :) but someone has to do it! :)
She is doing great with her Oral Stimulation... still not taking anything by mouth... all feeding and medications go through her G-tube. But she is all about putting things in her mouth and she loves to brush her teeth.

Emma is still classified as "non-verbal" for now.
She definitely communicates and expresses herself in more ways than any of us can keep up with! :) Which is a huge blessing... she lets us know when she is mad, sad, happy, EXCITED, and hungry as well as tired.
Spending plenty of quality time focusing on making as many memories as possible :)
If these two grow up to have half of the friendship their Mommies have.. Emma will never have to worry about a thing <3 . (Notice how he is holding her leg... I got you Bemma you won't fall on my watch :) ...)
The bond between her and her "tubies" grow stronger every day! She loves her "tubies" and she needs one in hand a majority of the time. Precious little peanut!
She loves being able to see herself on the camera... as busy as I have been lately I haven't snuck in as much snuggle time. I love when it is just me and her all day long and all I can do is snuggle with her on the couch. :)
This is our physical and occupational therapist who work together as a phenomenal team to meet Emma's needs. They have really taken the time to get to know Emma inside and out and they would go to the moon and back for our sweet baby Emma. Thanks for everything you gals do- we love you to pieces. :)
Working hard but always looking good :)

Well.. I couldn't end without a temper-tantrum...
I am so proud of both of our girls... Maddie is the perfect big sister and I love that she tells Emma all about God and Heaven and she reads to her all the time. Maddie has grown into such an amazing little girl through this entire experience. I always used to wish I could take away all the pain from this situation but seeing the strength it has instilled in all of us... I understand why God put us through it and I am thankful we have made it through it together thus far..
Mommy and Emma being silly.. told you she loves seeing herself on the camera :)

Miss Emma is heading off
to bed... her favorite movie, Finding Nemo is playing and she is squealing away at the TV.. the rest of us are heading to bed and we will rise to another blessed day.. God willing.

I am so thankful for all of the blessings in our lives... I promise not to be so long to share updates and pictures next time. More to come.
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