Sunday, October 14, 2012

Special Needs Mom..

This is an amazing poem that I found and fell in love with so I had to share. I hope you enjoy. :)

Special Needs Mom
-unknown author-

You may think us "special moms" have it pretty rough.
We have no choice. We just manage life when things get really tough.
We've made it through the days we thought we'd never make it through.
We've even impressed our own selves with all that we can do.

We've gained patience beyond measure, love we never dreamed of giving.
We worry about the future but know this "special" life's worth living.
We have bad days and hurt sometimes, but we hold our heads up high.
We feel joy and pride and thankfulness more often than we cry.
For our kids we arent just supermoms. No, we do so much more.
We are cheerleaders, nurses, and therapists who don't walk out the door.
We handle rude remarks and unkind stares with dignity and grace.
Even though the pain they bring cannot be erased.
Therapies and treatment routes are a lot for us to digest.
We don't know what the future holds but give our kids our best.
None of us can be replaced, so we don't get many breaks.
It wears us out, but to help our kids, we'll do whatever it takes.

We want our kids accepted. That really is our aim.
When we look at them we just see kids. We hope you'll do the same.
We are selfless, not by choice, you see. Our kids just have more needs.
We're not out to change the world, but want to plant some seeds.

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