Friday, November 30, 2012

New Emma Record..

The most time Emma had spent at home prior to this record breaking stay is the initial 6 weeks home..(42 days)

From September 18th to November 20th the only time she spent in the hospital was one 23 hour observation.. which she didn't need to be in hospital we took care of everything but we didn't want to take that chance so we agreed. We were home on IV medicine as a precaution but we were able to stop them at 48 hours post admission because her cultures were showing no growth.

Emma's new record is now set at 63 days home! :) We are so very proud because there was a period of about 5 months where we hadn't spent 60 days home in all 5 of those months combined.. and some of them we were not even home for 60 hours! :/

Baby steps are better than taking steps back. We are so very proud of all Emma is accomplishing. Her IVIg infusions that are strengthening her immune system for her have helped out BIG TIME!

(She is actually getting an infusion as I type.. seems as those this is the only time I have to actually update the blog anymore.. )

Thanks again for all the support :)

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